Search results for: national consumer protection act

Showing 1 - 10 of 18 results

5 November 2018

Regulating Animal Protection: The Impetus for Reform

By Dr Steven White Griffith Law School Issues of animal protection continue to command significant attention in a crowded national...

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24 May 2018

More protection needed for Australians’ online consumer rights

Many Australians have embraced the ‘sharing economy’ such as Uber and AirBnb, but how many people realise when they tick the terms and conditions, they’re effectively giving away their rights to accessible and affordable dispute resolution?

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22 July 2024
Appliance junk

Is Australia becoming a dumping ground for unrepairable appliances?

What happens when appliances break? Unfortunately, broken appliances are unlikely to be repaired. It doesn’t have to be this way, however. If we fail to keep up with legal developments in other parts of the world, Australia could soon become a dumping ground for cheap and nasty appliances.

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29 March 2022
Right to Repair

Why we really need to be able to fix our stuff

We all have things that are broken around our homes. Old iPhones, microwaves, fridges, washing machines or everyday consumer devices, such as our fitbits, tablets and computers. If we can’t fix them, they usually end of going into the rubbish and then ending up as landfill. Did you know that there are over 140,000 tonnes of e-Waste generated by Australians every year?

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1 March 2022
Decarbonise Russia

Will Russia’s invasion of Ukraine push Europe towards energy independence and faster decarbonisation?

In 1973, the world’s post-war boom hit the rocks. Oil producers restricted supply, sending prices soaring. In the aftermath of...

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19 July 2021
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28 May 2021
Sally McManus

In Conversation with Sally McManus

End of an era, the future of work Renowned workers’ rights advocate and ACTU Secretary Sally McManus joined interviewer extraordinaire Kerry O’Brien...

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19 June 2019
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22 February 2019

Did the Royal Commission achieve its purpose?

By Adrian Edwards The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry (the Commission) will be...

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19 July 2018

Whatever happened to responsible lending? Disturbing evidence at the Financial Services Royal Commission

By Associate Professor Therese Wilson, Dean of Law and Head of School Griffith Law School Under the National Consumer Credit...

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