Griffith experts secure 5 of 14 Education Horizon grants
Grants will support Griffith researchers improve study journeys and lives of future teachers and students.
Grants will support Griffith researchers improve study journeys and lives of future teachers and students.
Griffith University education lecturer Dr Michelle Ronksley-Pavia has developed a new online training course for teachers, to help them recognise and support the needs of gifted and talented children.
The prevalence rates of twice-exceptional children in Australian schools are significantly under-reported according to new Griffith University research.
Griffith’s Professional Learning Hub hosted the inaugural Gifted and Talented Education Symposium at the Logan campus earlier last month. Dr...
Gifted children with a disability are more at risk of bullying than other children according to new research from Griffith University.
In 2016, a team of Griffith’s School of Education and Professional Studies researchers (Associate Professor Jeanne Allen (team leader), Dr...