First ever Master of Finance graduates ready to take on the world
Globally competitive degree brings skills employers seek
Globally competitive degree brings skills employers seek
Valuable career advice will be on Min Jun Kim’s list when the Master of Commerce student has a priceless mentoring...
Griffith University is accustomed to students earning their Masters. Now one of its most valued supporters has won the Masters.
Griffith alumnus, Sabrina Aripen, was presented with the 2018 Community Achievement Award at the Malaysian Australian Alumni Council (MAAC) gala dinner on the weekend.
Paul Simshauser was named the Griffith Business School Outstanding Alumnus for 2016. Corporate strategist Olivia Loadwick was named the Young Outstanding Alumnus of the Year, and Dr William Chen was the inaugural recipient of the International Outstanding Alumnus of the Year,
Griffith Business School students have taken out first, second and third place in the 2014 AMP University Challenge.
Griffith University will arm the financial leaders of tomorrow with an arsenal of global industry knowledge through its innovative suite of new postgraduate degrees to be unveiled in 2015.
A Griffith University researcher will receive the prestigious Hind Rattan Award in his native India on Saturday. The NRI Welfare...
More than 8500 competitors representing universities from across Australia, including 440 athletes from Griffith will descend on the Gold Coast this weekend for the start of the 2013 Australian University Games.
As Australia’s financial planning industry makes a move towards a more professional and more robust future, Griffith University is leading...