Search results for: mangrove carbon

Showing 1 - 10 of 15 results

6 May 2021
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28 June 2017
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19 March 2024
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17 November 2022

Goals for mangrove recovery must be based on science

A rapid scale up in mangrove restoration is required if the Australian Government hopes to reach the goals of a recently announced partnership with the Mangrove Alliance for Climate

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15 April 2021
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1 February 2019
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4 May 2015

Coastal Carbon Movement

The world runs on carbon, fueling human energy needs through hydrocarbons and driving food webs. Professor Connolly and his team...

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29 November 2023
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12 December 2022

Tidal restoration to coastal wetlands reduces greenhouse emissions

Restoring tidal flow to enclosed freshwater wetlands is key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and helping reach Australia's carbon reduction targets

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14 September 2022

Minjerribah’s changing wetlands

Blending science and indigenous knowledge to improve understanding of Minjerribah's wetland conditions and provide a means for their ongoing monitoring.

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