Search results for: kieran tranter

Showing 1 - 10 of 13 results

3 August 2015

Legal implications for driverless cars

The rise of driverless vehicles is creating a new set of problem for car manufacturers, insurance companies, law enforcement and drivers writes Dr Kieran Tranter.

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12 May 2020

Law, Lawyers and Justice: Through Australian Lenses published by Routledge

Law is different in Australia. The origins of the Australian state in a military-run British prison camp.thelegal fictions of terra...

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5 September 2019
Painting by Dr Julie Fragar called The Gatekeeper (Portrait of an Honourable Justice)

Rendering criminal trials in visual art

Queensland College of Art’s Dr Julie Fragar is taking a fine art lens to criminal justice with her work Next Witness.

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5 September 2018

Living in Technical Legality: Science Fiction and Law as Technology

By Associate Professor Kieran Tranter Griffith Law School What if this is not the end? This is the question that...

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16 July 2018

Carl Schmitt’s Die Buribunken: A Troubling Critique of Informational Existence 100 years on

By Kieran Tranter and Edwin Bikundo It is little known that among Carl Schmitt’s first publications was Die Buribunken published...

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15 June 2018

New study into early work of controversial political thinker

Griffith Law School researchers Dr Kieran Tranter and Dr Edwin Bikundo are seeking out new research on the first full...

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17 May 2018

New research explores law and justice in Aussie films

Calls for chapter submissions are now open for a new book exploring the unique space Australian film and television occupies...

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15 May 2018

Law Futures Centre first to translate thought-provoking piece

Dr Kieran Tranter It is not widely known that one of Carl Schmitt’s first pieces of published writing was a...

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31 May 2016
Caitlin Maher, Khory McCormick, Brittany May and James Vercoe

Law student excellence and donor support recognised

Donors, staff and students gathered to celebrate academic excellence at a prize ceremony held at the Griffith Law School last week.

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25 November 2015
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