Search results for: kang wang

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results

15 May 2017

Opera grads hitting a high note

Queensland Conservatorium graduate Kang Wang will show the world his tenor talents when he represents Australia at the BBC Cardiff Singer of the World competition next month.

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3 June 2015

Aussie tenor joins The Met

Young Australian-Chinese lyric tenor Kang Wang will soon call New York home as he arrives at one of the best known opera companies in the world.

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23 November 2020

First Nations opera graduate spreads her wings

First Nations opera alumnus Nina Korbe is spreading her wings with a postgraduate scholarship at the renowned Royal Academy of Music in London.

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3 June 2020

Young opera star hits a high note

Queensland Conservatorium graduate Rebecca Cassidy is helping reimagine the artform as Opera Queensland's Young Artist for 2020.

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30 January 2018

Debating China and International Order

ByDiego Leiva,School of Government and International Relations On 17th and 18th of January 2018, the Griffith Asia Institute, with generous...

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14 June 2016

Opera graduates take on the world stage

From Covent Garden in London to The Metropolitan Opera in New York — Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University graduates are being beckoned by some of the world’s most famous stages.

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6 September 2012

Griffith joins the Brisbane Festival line-up

Griffith University will this year make a headline appearance at the city’s largest annual cultural event in more ways than...

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