Search results for: jess blomfield

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results

29 March 2017

Griffith student secures investment for startup

Griffith PhD student Jess Blomfield has rolled her research expertise into a start-up that has received seed investment funding after winning a pitching contest at startup accelerator Blue Chilli.

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11 April 2016

Endeavour scholarship visit Bould[h]er over

Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing Higher Degree Research student member, Jessica Blomfield, won an Australian Government Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship...

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23 December 2014
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18 December 2014
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9 December 2014

Women in leadership at the G20: round up

Forty-plus degree temperatures could not keep delegates–including Centre members Kate Shacklock, Georgina Murray, Elliroma Gardiner, and Higher Degrees Research (HDR)...

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