Public health research improving life in Java
Philathropy boost to Griffith research assists sanitation reforms in Indonesia.
Philathropy boost to Griffith research assists sanitation reforms in Indonesia.
Discovery of rare early human fossils from Indonesia further unravels mystery of 'Hobbits'.
Many young people in contact with the justice system come from backgrounds of extreme poverty, parental abuse or neglect, parental...
Taring Padi is an artistic collective based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The group is prominent for their portrayal of the people’s...
Study sheds new light on the complex journey of human populations from Africa into Eurasia.
Study finds humid periods in ancient Iran led to the expansions of human populations.
Award recognises Griffith's ground-breaking research into rock art dating in Indonesia.
Rivers follow rhythmic changes; they flow with the seasons and respond to longer climatic shifts and often to the actions of people. In turn, people and their societies are shaped by the rhythm of rivers. This relationship where both nature and people’s social habits are synchronized with the rise and fall of river water over time is referred to as river rhythmicity, in a new paper that describes the important implications of this idea for river conservation and water management.
Last known remains of modern human ancestors dated by Griffith archaeologist.
Over the past year, Griffith University academics and support staff have been helping shape the next generation of counselling professionals...