Search results for: international centre for the management of pest fruit flies

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 results

29 March 2019

Research Impact: Management solutions for pest fruit flies in Australia and south-east Asia

Professor Emeritus Dick Drew and colleagues have documented more than 500 new fruit fly species and studied all known species across south-east Asia and the Pacific region.

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23 November 2016

Fruit fly invention recognised in AFR Higher Education Awards

Griffith's world-first fruit fly trap has been recognised by the Australian Financial Review Higher Education Awards. The project won second prize in the Technology One Industry Engagement Award.

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11 October 2016

World-first fruit fly trap to capture massive agricultural gains

The ‘Holy Grail’ of fruit fly traps has been launched, dramatically boosting Australia’s potential for agricultural production in what is already a multibillion dollar industry, thanks to Griffith University research.

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9 March 2015

Has Fruit Fly finally met its match?

There are more than 50 major pest fruit fly species known and their worldwide economic impact on crop production, international...

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1 April 2019
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