Search results for: guy castley

Showing 1 - 10 of 14 results

29 July 2024

Cash and conservation: a worldwide analysis of wildlife on money 

Study finds explores how countries use currency to highlight conservation priorities.

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22 March 2022
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3 March 2021
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6 July 2020

Australian reptile research needs to move beyond university backyards

A team of Griffith University researchers found the strongest predictor of study sites for reptile research in Australia is proximity to universities. Published in Nature Scientific Reports, the study is the first continent-wide investigation of factors that influenced the location research was conducted on terrestrial reptiles in Australia.

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30 October 2019
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6 December 2018
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24 May 2018

Turn over a new LEAF at the 2018 Logan Eco Action Festival

Glossy black-cockatoo research and an innovative native plants app will be on show when Griffith University hosts the 2018 Logan Eco Action Festival, also known as LEAF.

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1 August 2017

Science students have a hoot owl spotting

They’re not just magical creatures reserved for students at Hogwarts – owls also call Griffith University home. Griffith Sciences students...

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28 October 2016
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19 February 2016
Griffith researchers, from left, Dr Guy Castley, Dr Clare Morrison and Professor Ralf Buckley

Can ecotourism save threatened species?

Ecotourism can provide the critical difference between survival and extinction for endangered animals, according to new research from Australia's Griffith University

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