Search results for: griffith dental clinic

Showing 1 - 10 of 34 results

19 August 2020

All smiles as Griffith Dental clinic reaches milestone

Gwen Bliesner certainly wasn’t smiling when she first visited the Griffith Dental Clinic a few months ago but now she can’t stop.

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6 November 2023

New dental clinic increases Gold Coast community access to dental health

Griffith Health Clinic launched the new dental clinic expansion which provides affordable and accessible dental care and placements for students.

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26 July 2021

Dental students give community a reason to smile

Griffith dental students are providing free clinics for people experiencing homelessness and high school students with limited access to regular oral health care.

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13 July 2017
Outside their dental clinic: Oasis Dental Studio partners, from left, David Ashford, Andrew Firgaira and Bharat Agrawal

All smiles for Griffith graduates at dental ‘oasis’

Griffith dental graduates Dr Bharat Agrawal and Dr Andrew Firgaira are providing an "oasis" for patients attending their studios on the Gold Coast

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30 November 2016

Nano-engineered dental implants set to reduce costs and infection risks

The complications and high costs associated with dental implants could be a thing of the past as Griffith research aims to reduce the associated risks of infection using new cutting edge nanotechnology.

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27 September 2016

Oral pathologists honour Griffith professor

Griffith University Emeritus Professor Newell Johnson CMG, FMedSci, has been awarded with Honorary Life Membership of the International Association of Oral Pathologists.

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30 March 2016

Griffith uses 3D tissue engineering to revolutionise dental disease

The discomfort and stigma of loose or missing teeth could be a thing of the past as Griffith University researchers pioneer the use of 3D bioprinting to replace missing teeth and bone.

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18 December 2015

Griffith student runs Indigenous volunteer clinic in Cherbourg

Filling a vital gap in oral health services at a south-east Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community has been the passion for Griffith dentistry student Michael Baker from Toowoomba.

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25 September 2014

Griffith provides frontier dentistry in PNG  

Kiunga, in Western Province, Papua New Guinea is the destination this week for four trainee dentists from Griffith University looking to bring their skills to disadvantaged communities.

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15 September 2014

Griffith nurses provide care in Laos

A passion to provide care for people in developing countries is the fuel for study for Griffith University Bachelor of Nursing student Elizabeth Eastwell.

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