Top economists in Brisbane for conference
Experts gather to run the rule on all things economic
Experts gather to run the rule on all things economic
Productivity is a key global issue that the G20 Summit leaders need to address when they converge on Brisbane in...
On 16 February 2013, The Economist published a special report on Storm Survivors Offshore financial centres have taken a battering...
Professor Nick Barter explores the evolution of corporate purpose, from shareholder focus to stakeholder inclusion, emphasising its strategic importance and providing guidance for modern organisations.
In Australia, scams like money muling and sextortion are on the rise, with millions affected annually. Professor Andreas Chai is encouraging governments to seriously facilitate solutions including implementing identity resilience strategies, regulating online platforms, and educating students to prevent victimisation.
Explore intelligent wealth-building insights: assess risk objectively, avoid herd mentality, and overcome overconfidence in navigating investments. Success lies not just in making money but in safeguarding it—creating a resilient financial foundation for the future says Dr John Fan.
The first-ever adaptive clinical trial for Australians living with MS will seek to reverse neurological damage caused by progressive multiple sclerosis.
As a civic institution, Griffith University is committed to deep engagement with our local communities and unlocking knowledge and foresight from influential thinkers and leaders. On 4 October 2023, we proudly presented the inaugural Brighter Future for All Oration at Brisbane City Hall with The Honorable Dr Jim Chalmers MP, Treasurer of Australia and one of our most distinguished alumni.
Following 16 years of development, the Tele-MAST program decreases depression and anxiety in brain tumour survivors, has potential to ease the financial burden to the healthcare system and is now rolling out nationally.
Professor Nick Barter and Professor Chris Fleming have surveyed 1000 CEO's from around the world to find Australian bosses have some way to go to move towards purposeful sustainable business.