Search results for: dr michael clarke

Showing 1 - 10 of 19 results

19 November 2010

Griffith Asia Institute – Research Seminar by Dr Michael Clarke

Dr Michael Clarke, Research Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute presents ‘Xinjiang and China’s Rise in Central Asia: The Dynamics of Integration,...

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15 January 2015

Turkish nationals arrested in China

Ten Turkish nationals werereportedly detained by Shanghai police for allegedlysupplying passports to terror suspects from China’s Xinjiang region. It follows...

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23 May 2014

Attack at market in China kills 31

The recent pattern of violence “suggests an escalation both in attacks and the conflict in a societal sense between the...

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15 May 2014

Chinese Officials Head to the Countryside

Half a century after millions of city dwellers were ordered to the countryside, some officials are once again being armed...

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7 May 2014

Terrorist attack in China

Last Wednesday saw another deadly terrorist attack in China, this time in the far-western province of Xinjiang. In what’s believed...

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30 April 2014

China’s West Bank–the alienation of the Uyghur

A recent mass stabbing attack on bystanders at a train station in China has again focused attention on the troubled...

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7 April 2014

China seeks strategic advantage in Afghanistan

China has staked its economic future on deeper integration with Central Asia. But as the US withdraws from Afghanistan, Beijing...

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3 March 2014

Beijing redoubles counter-terrorism efforts in Xinjiang

Dr Michael Clarke from the Griffith Asia Institute takes a look at howlong-term Chinese policy may itself be contributing to...

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24 January 2014

China’s renewed hard line on Xinjiang

The arrest and detention of the outspoken Uyghur academic Ilham Tohti (pictured) in Beijing on 15 January demonstrates that the...

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8 November 2013

China’s account of Tiananmen Square crash questioned

Dr Michael Clarke comments on the recent deadly crash in Tiananmen Square claimed to be an act of terror. See...

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