Search results for: contracts

Showing 1 - 10 of 56 results

11 March 2021

Anti-suit injunctions and consumer contracts

Post contributed by Mary Keyes, Director of the Law Futures Centre and Therese Wilson, Dean of Griffith Law School.

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7 March 2024

Griffith Asia Institute Report on Chinese Investment Trends Captivates Nikkei Asia’s Interest

Amidst the dynamic economic landscape of the Asia-Pacific region, a comprehensive report published by the Griffith Asia Institute has captured...

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15 February 2024

New report shows investment in countries of the Belt and Road (BRI) have surged since 2018

Chinese investment in Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) nations has surged to its highest level since 2018, with nearly $50...

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4 April 2023
Manipulator concept

Sovereign Citizens: Eccentrics or Extremists?

Sovereign citizens or ‘sovcitz’ reject the authority of the government and legal systems. The COVID-19 pandemic has fuelled extremism, including sovereign citizen beliefs in Australia, says Griffith University’s Dr Keiran Hardy, and poses challenges to law enforcement and public safety.

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22 February 2023

Australia needs crypto-asset reform

In Australia, crypto-assets do not fall within the existing regulatory perimeter of financial products and services and are generally unregulated by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). However, crypto-assets have been classified as a commodity by major global regulators and industry for years. Will Banks looks at how to address this regulatory confusion and strengthen Australia as a serious crypto destination.

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31 August 2022
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14 August 2022
Flammable currency

Inflation and the Economy: Where to from here?

The Australian economy is experiencing unusually high inflation. After a decade of inflation stably below 3%, this surge is causing concerns among policymakers and the public alike.

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13 July 2022
Natasha Cumming presents her policy

Policy students wow at Parliament House

Griffith Policy Competition saw seven Griffith students pitch policies they’re passionate about to judges including sitting State MPs, senior public servants and their lecturers.

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23 May 2022
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11 April 2022
Caretaker Conventions

Caretaker conventions: Making the playing field even

Caretaker conventions are an important handbrake on dysfunctional partisanship during election campaigns. They help to ensure the business of government continues, and safeguards public institutions and public resources until a new administration is formed.

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