Search results for: change 2022

Showing 1 - 10 of 202 results

6 December 2021

2022 Rhodes Scholar wants to change the health system

An impressive final year Griffith student, who overcame a cancer diagnosis at 15 before embarking on a medical degree, has been awarded a prestigious 2022 Australia-At-Large Rhodes Scholarship.

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29 November 2023
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28 June 2023
Pacific Islands

Why Australia needs to partner with the Pacific to fight climate change

Senator Penny Wong, Australia's Minister for Foreign Affairs, has been actively engaging with Pacific Island countries to address climate change, which is seen as the greatest threat to the region. However, doubts remain about whether this engagement can be sustained and deepened to strengthen relationships. Australia's engagement in the Pacific needs to extend beyond climate and security issues and focus on understanding the region and fostering a genuine partnership.

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23 May 2023

Why was Brisbane’s 2022 flood different?

11 years on from the devastating 2011 flood, why was the Brisbane 2022 flood different? Why did it inundate areas untouched since 1974?

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14 February 2023

Facilitating positive change in Queensland youth justice

Youth crime is on the rise in Queensland. Recent media stories demonstrate the high cost of youth crimes for victims - financially, through serious or permanent injury, or leaving loved ones to try and pick up the pieces after senseless and tragic deaths. Victims and the wider community are understandably outraged and demand the government hold offenders accountable and protect the community by making these behaviours less likely in the future. Dr Troy Allard looks at how offenders can be held to account and address the root cause of their behaviour.

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7 December 2022

2022 Australian Election Study

Almost one in three voters cast their ballot for minor parties or independent candidates in the 2022 federal election, the...

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7 November 2022

20-year insect research to investigate the buzz around climate change

Griffith University researchers will head to Lamington National Park to recreate a 20-year-old study investigating the effects of climate change on insects.

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25 October 2022
Angus Brawley

Taking his voice global for climate change

Griffith University electrical and electronic engineering student Angus Brawley has been selected as one of 13 new Global Voices Scholars.

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15 September 2022
China and the United Kingdom.

Change underfoot in the uneasy UK-China relationship?

Professor Caitlin Byrne suggests that leaders on both sides of this bilateral relationship will be carefully considering next steps in the context of their shifting domestic narratives and global ambitions.

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8 September 2022

Change Conference is back with a bang

Behaviour experts will converge on Griffith University’s South Bank campus as the Change Conference makes its in-person comeback.

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