Search results for: catchment sediment budget research team

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 results

1 April 2019
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29 March 2019

Research Impact: Tackling water quality threats to the Great Barrier Reef

Griffith researchers have demonstrated that bank and gully erosion contributes more than 90 per cent of sediment loads to the GBR in many catchments.

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23 June 2016

Research leads to Great Barrier Reef rescue purchase

A leading Griffith research team has provided the science behind a bold government decision to buy up grazing land in an effort to protect the Great Barrier Reef from sediment run-off.

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23 November 2015
Large alluvial gullies can produce tens of thousands of tonnes of sediment that flow into the Great Barrier Reef each year

Solution at hand for saving Great Barrier Reef

After six years of intensive field work, a team from Griffith University's Australian Rivers Institute can unveil a solution to tackle alluvial gully erosion and thus significantly improve the water quality of the ailing Great Barrier Reef.

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