Search results for: anzsog

Showing 1 - 10 of 21 results

31 May 2022
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Governor General David Hurley

The first 100 days of the Albanese government

Unlike changes of leader, changes of government are comparatively rare at the Federal level. We can learn a great deal from the early decisions of a new government – what it changes and what it keeps; what lessons it has drawn from prior experience and from its opponents.

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14 April 2022

Reply paid: political parties and postal vote applications

Is the confidence Australians have in the impartiality of their electoral system being undermined by legislative changes which allow political parties to interpose themselves into the voting process?

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11 April 2022
Caretaker Conventions

Caretaker conventions: Making the playing field even

Caretaker conventions are an important handbrake on dysfunctional partisanship during election campaigns. They help to ensure the business of government continues, and safeguards public institutions and public resources until a new administration is formed.

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5 April 2022

The polls look grim for the Coalition. Will Queensland buck the trend again?

Awaiting the official start of the 2022 campaign, published polls show Labor is comfortably ahead of the government. Pundits agree this year’s election is Albanese’s to lose, but predictions range along a spectrum from a Labor landslide to a narrow win, to a finely balanced hung parliament.

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22 April 2021
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8 April 2014
Professor Gary Sturgess AM

Protecting craft of public servant is crucial

New Professor of Public Service Innovation at Griffith University’s School of Government and International Relations, Gary Sturgess AM, has voiced his concerns for the craft of public service.

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20 December 2013
Premier Campbell Newman delivering speech at forum on federal reform hosted by Griffith.

Griffith leads federal reform debate into 2014

Griffith University is to continue the Sir Samuel Griffith Legacy Series, building on a ground-breaking forum on Australia’s Federal Future...

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18 November 2013
Headshot of AJ Brown, Centre for Governance and Public Policy, with Griffith University logo as backdrop.

States should lead the way on federal reform

Australia’s state governments should be leading the way on reform of the federal system, but the jury is out on...

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15 November 2013

Our Federal Future – Sir Samuel Griffith Legacy Series

Some of Australia’s leading academic experts on federalism have linked up with government officials and political leaders for the Sir Samuel Griffith Legacy Series on Australia’s Federal Future

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14 November 2013
Parliament house in Canberra

Time to reform ‘discretionary’ grant system

Australian taxpayers could be better off if the States and Commonwealth carved up grants differently, a leading economic researcher has...

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