Search results for: anger responses

Showing 1 - 10 of 38 results

1 May 2020

Investigate both the origins of, and ALL responses to, COVID-19

The Australian government has no business hitching its star to Donald Trump or to poke the Chinese bear by promoting...

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19 December 2012
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5 November 2012

Discovery grants hit record levels

The latest round of Australian Research Council grants has provided an extraordinary story of success for Griffith. Here is the full list of recipients.

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27 August 2024

Game-changing needle-free COVID-19 intranasal vaccine

A next-generation COVID-19 mucosal vaccine is set to be a gamechanger not only when delivering the vaccine itself, but also for people who are needle-phobic.

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17 June 2024
Music Cover

How music in youth detention can create new futures

Many young people in contact with the justice system come from backgrounds of extreme poverty, parental abuse or neglect, parental...

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9 April 2024

Art and Ethos – Taring Padi

Culturally enriched mediums Taring Padi’s work reimagines facets of their Indonesian culture, deconstructing Indonesian shadow puppet traditions (wayang) and recreating...

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12 May 2023
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21 February 2023

Chatting about ChatGPT

In November 2022, the release of ChatGPT, a free-to-use chatbot based on GPT-3, brought powerful language models to the public. The educational sector faced a dilemma as the bot's ability to assist in writing essays and passing exams sparked debates on whether to embrace or ban its use.

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6 September 2022

Cyberbullying: How can parents identify and intervene?

Cyberbullying can be confusing and distressing for young people, but it is not often the case that youth actively hide bullying from those who care about them. Dr Jaimee Stewart identifies how parents can identify and intervene in cyberbullying.

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19 July 2022

Griffith not leaving koalas’ futures to chance

A collaborative Griffith University project that successfully helped reduce the number of koala deaths in South East Queensland (SEQ) has moved into its next phase.

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