Rising costs can encourage a better kind of tourism
The rising costs of living and airfares point to long-haul travel being affordable for fewer people. It also might re-shape the way we think about tourism.
The rising costs of living and airfares point to long-haul travel being affordable for fewer people. It also might re-shape the way we think about tourism.
Award celebrates 20th anniversary of students emulating high achievements.
Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University teachers Oleg Stepanov OAM and Natasha Vlassenko OAM head a number of Griffith staff, former staff...
Griffith Spotlights encompass a broad range of research that aim to bring benefits to communities locally and globally.
Griffith has signed an MOU with Gilmour Space Technologies that will see Low Earth Orbit prototype satellites developed locally and deployed for launch in 2023.
An entrepreneurial chartered civil engineer who advocates for gender equality has won this year’s Griffith QBM MBA Responsible Leadership competition.
Robotics engineering student leader Dominique MacDonald will graduate on a high, hosting the Gold Coast NASA Space Apps Challenge - part of the world’s largest global hackathon.
Griffith University will look for smart machine technologies in the first Defence Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Trusted Autonomous Systems.
Student entrepreneurship is building at Griffith and Studio 39, the University’s startup hatchery on the Gold Coast campus, will be...
Astronaut Dr Sandra Magnus, who flew five space missions for NASA and logged 133 days in orbit aboard the International Space Station, will present Perspectives from Space at Griffith University's Nathan campus on Monday, May 18