Transnational governance: responses to the Rana Plaza building collapse
With the assistance of funding from the British Academy, WOW guest, Associate Professor Juliane Reinecke and her Warwick Business School...
With the assistance of funding from the British Academy, WOW guest, Associate Professor Juliane Reinecke and her Warwick Business School...
From cancers to infectious and neurodegenerative diseases, no topic was left unexplored when more than 50 students from Griffith’s Eskitis...
A range of national and international awards for Griffith University researchers has capped off a memorable month.
Griffith University and the University of Tokyo have used homodyne measurements to show what Albert Einstein did not believe to be real: the non-local collapse of a particle's wave function
Traveling from the sheltered western world to Asia’s poorest slum, fourth year Griffith Civil Engineering student Giovanni Rapana put down...
Hui Feng, Griffith University Australia will likely join more than 40 countries signing on to the China-initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment...
Queensland College of Art (QCA) graduates and collaborators, Gabriella Szablewska and Brent Wilson have been awarded the Highly Commended Prize...
Architecture student Miyuki Suzuki wins American Society of Architectural Illustrators award.
The role of nutrition as part of a healthy lifestyle is well understood by the medical profession but whether this information is easily conveyed to patients is another matter.
A high school visit to a wind farm was enough to convince Griffith University School of Engineeringstudent Alice Fleetwood about...