The Centre for Governance and Public Policy (CGPP) annual Book Launch celebrated the publications of 2022 at the Griffith University northern campus. The books of CGPP members Associate Professor Gideon Baker, Dr Steve Feng and Professor Juliet Pietsch, were launched by the Griffith Business School PVC Professor Caitlin Byrne who delivered an insightful reflection on the books and how each contributed to their field of research in migration, philosophy and banking in China.

Questioning: A New History of Western Philosophy
Edinburgh University Press
Gideon Baker

Banking on Growth Models: China’s trouble pursuit of financial reforms and economic rebalancing
Cornell University Press
Hui Feng and Stephen Bell

Temporary Migrants from Southeast Asia in Australia
Cambridge University Press
Juliet Pietsch

Temporary Migrants from Southeast Asia in Australia draws attention to the importance of providing migrants with political capabilities by exploring the research on the experiences of temporary migrant workers from Southeast Asia in Australia. The research demonstrates that migrant workers, on the whole, live without a political voice or clear pathway to permanent residency and citizenship.
Series: Elements in Global Development Studies

Questioning: A New History of Western Philosophy by Gideon Baker provides a gripping genealogy of Western philosophy as a history of questioning. As well as revealing the ancient in the modern, Baker reflects on newer questions in Western philosophy.

Hui Feng and Stephen Bell’s book Banking on Growth Models demystifies the world of Chinese banking and finance as it investigates an ever-rising national debt, a declining rate of economic growth, and the possibility of dire and drastic reform by the Asian superpower’s government.