Griffith’s commitment to understanding and addressing the complexity of climate change has seen the university highlighted in a featurette produced by one of the world’s most iconic broadcasters and a major higher educationorganisation.
UK broadcaster BBC through their production armStoryWorksand the International Association of Universities selected Griffith as one of the case studies for a series of global short film stories calledAiming Higher, which featured universities that promoted values and had a positive impact on societies.
Griffith was among 10 institutions around the world featured in the Sustainable Development category; 34 Institutions were featured across the four categories, with only one other Australian university featured in theInternationalisationcategory.
The short film, Making Waves, highlighted Griffith’s EcoAdaptproject and the Griffith Centre for Coastal Managementas multidisciplinary teams that unite research with learning and teaching to address the impacts of climate change in coastal cities like the Gold Coast to small island nations in the Pacific.
TheEcoAdaptproject aims to identify ecosystem-based approaches for climate change adaptation in Pacific island states and territories in the face of a rapidly changing climate.
Similarly, the Griffith Centre for Coastal Management helps communities to build coastal resilience, protect the environment andplan for the future,utilisingspecialists qualified inanalysingcoastal processes, as well as the impacts of climate change on coastlines while engaging with local governments and industry stakeholders.
BothEcoAdaptand GCCM draw on the expertise within Griffith Climate Change Response Program, School of Environment and Science, School of Engineering and Built Environment, Griffith Business School, and Griffith Institute for Tourism.
Griffith journalism students also participated in field trips to learn how to communicate the science behind climate change impacts and adaptation.
“Griffith University is proud to showcase this film, produced by theInternational Association of Universities andBBCStoryWorks, which highlights the multidisciplinary expertise assembled by the University to address climate change impacts, risks and solutions,” Griffith University Vice Chancellor and President ProfessorCarolyn Evanssaid.
Griffith’s climate change adaptation approaches are transformative, not just in the Pacific but elsewhere in the world where coastal communities are impacted by a changing climate.”
BBCStoryWorksGlobal Director ofProgrammePartnerships Simon Shelley said he was delighted to bring to film the vital story of how Griffith University’s work was helping coastal communities to adapt to the changing environment.
“It’s been fascinating to work with the team at Griffith University on the project, and to understand more about what drives your institution,” Shelley said.
“We’re excited to see the response from audiences across the globe, as we look to reaffirm the fundamental values of higher education and its role in transforming societies.”