Four Griffith Business School students embarking on a career of helping others achieve their financial goals have received a boost of their own in the form of a Karl Morris Scholarship.

Jack Kaminski, Ryan Mitchell, Liam Roche and Denis Vukovac – all Bachelor of Commerce students majoring in financial planning – were presented with the award in August.

“I was pretty lost at the end of Year 12 and looking at doing a trade,” said second year student Jack Kaminski.

“Then I got offered a degree at Griffith University and decided to give it a go. I fell in love with one of the subjects: Money Banking Finance. The lecturer was really enthusiastic, I got an internship and then fell in love even more. Now, here I am!”

He said the scholarship helps to lift the financial burden of studying, but is also valuable in building connections with those who have forged successful careers in the business, like Karl Morris.

Mr Morris, now the executive chairman of one of Australia’s most iconic financial brokers Ord Minnett, graduated from Griffith University in 1987.

He said his career has highlighted the importance of education – from primary school through to tertiary.

“I wanted to support people starting out in a similar career, so they can have the same advantages and opportunities I did. It’s something my family have wanted to do as well,” he said.

“I look at my career and the way the industry has changed so dramatically, but I still think the future looks great.

“The gentlemen receiving the scholarships today are looking to get into a financial advisory role and that will always be required. The number one thing that people want is personal advice – you can’t get that out of a computer!”

Mr Morris, who has previously been named an Outstanding Alumnus, encouragedothers who were in a position to help Griffith University to do so – whether it’s through scholarships or supporting researchers.

It’s a message that clearly isn’t lost on scholarship recipient Denis Vukovac.

“Aside from the financial benefit and help this gives us, italso shows the benefit of giving back to the community,” he said.

“Once you do become comfortable and successful in the industry, it sets a really good example of how you can give back down the track.”

MrVukovac is excited about his future in what he described as a ‘dynamic industry’.

“You will never stop learning – it’s a profession that will keep you on your toes. I don’t think I’ll ever have a boring day in the office.”

Previous winners of the Karl Morris scholarship includeEmily Edmunds and Victoria Lees.