A renowned child protection expert with more than 30 years’ experience in social work has been named as the inaugural Leneen Forde Chair of Child Protection Research at Griffith University.
Child Safety Minister Shannon Fentiman today announced Professor Clare Tilbury from the university’s School of Social Work and Human Services will take up the position.
“The Queensland Government is proud to partner with Griffith University to establish this prestigious academic position to lead research into the child and family support and child protection fields,” Ms Fentiman said.
Strengthening research in these fields
“Professor Tilbury has been appointed to strengthen research in these fields and to help us best inform child and family reforms.
“The research will also provide a platform for our child protection practice activities and ensure the reforms underway continue on the right track.”
The Queensland Government will provide over $420,000 over the next three years for the Chair position, which has been named after the Honourable Leneen Forde AC, Chancellor of Griffith University in recognition of her dedication to improving child protection in Queensland.
The new Leneen Forde Chair continues the work of the Life Without Barriers Carol Peltola Research Chair which expired earlier this year.
Professor Tilbury has more than 30 years’ experience in child and family services in direct practice, policy development, research, and social work education.
“This Chair represents a major boost to child protection research, and it is an honour to have been appointed,” Professor Tilbury said.
“Leneen Forde has played such a distinguished role in Queensland public life, and was a wonderful Chancellor of Griffith University for many years.
“The quality and effectiveness of child and family services in Queensland is fundamental to ensuring the care and protection of our vulnerable children. More research in this field is vital in order to inform policy and practice, and to direct innovation and improvement.
“I am deeply committed to building the research foundations of child and family services, and to ensuring evidence can be translated into practice to achieve better outcomes for all children and their families.”