A desire to understand more about the diversity of Nature has awakened a fine talent for capturing it.

Third-year Bachelor of Science student Kerri Moore has been an enthusiastic participant in field trips with Griffith University’s School of Environment, with destinations so far including Borneo, Heron Island, western Queensland, North Stradbroke Island and Mount Kosciuszko.

And while such experience continues to inform Kerri’s interest in ecology and biology, it is his photography that is creating an evocative combination of science and art.

Lake Jindabyne, by Kerri Moore

Lake Jindabyne, by Kerri Moore

Kangaroo, standing

Kangaroo, Bowra, Outback Queensland

“I chose the Bachelor of Science, majoring in wildlife biology, because it offered the kind of nature-based, hands-on science that met my ambitions as a naturalist,” says Gold Coaster Kerri.

“Animals, plants and the environment in general have always been fascinating to me and I wanted to learn more about the processes of life and Nature.

gecko held in fingers

Gecko, Bowra, Outback Queensland

“The photography happened as a result of the degree. I simply wanted to record what I was doing and what I was seeing.

“However, the more I used the camera the more I wanted to go beyond snapshots. I learned how, through the lens, you can really capture the wonders of Nature.”

A jungle bridge, in Borneo

Jungle bridge, Borneo

Kerri, who also volunteers for the State Government’s Biosecurity Queensland and Department of Environment Heritage and Protection, says he has become most inspired by images of plants and insects.

“It’s interesting how your interests develop as you make your way through a degree,” he says.

“I have always wanted to know about the various orders of animals, their processes and behaviours as they made their way through life.

Portrait of a snowgum tree

Snow gum, Australian Alps

“What the photography has done has given me a much greater appreciation of insect and plant life. By being able to see them so closely, the more complex they reveal themselves to be.”

After completing his degree at Griffith University, Kerri hopes to move into research which may include an Honours project in botany.