Early this year, 9 Primary Education students completed a study tour in collaboration with the Hong Kong Institute of Education.

Students attended lectures and tutorials at the institute, and in their final week, the students taught in three schools across Hong Kong.

“Teaching in Hong Kong was such an incredible experience. I am so grateful I had this opportunity, which has shaped me so much as both a person and future teacher. I will certainly be able to translate my experience into my future classroom,” says Bachelor of Education student Elle Lord.

“It has built my confidence and experience in behaviour management, communication and engaging students in tasks. I also have a greater respect and understanding for ESL students and will be mindful of my teaching practice to accommodate them in my classroom.” she writes.

For the teaching components, the Griffith students paired with Hong Kong Institute students to prepare and deliver the lessons. This was a valuable opportunity and experience for the students to navigate through the processes of working collaboratively and exploring cultural issues.

The types of lessons delivered included Australian culture, music, drama and visual arts and also science and English lessons.

Three other schools from Hong Kong also joined the three home schools, which meant that the Griffith and Hong Kong Institute students taught some 1000 Hong Kong primary students.

At the end of each day, the students came together to do a presentation for the school staff and parents.

Accompanying the students was Dr Kay Hartwig, the coordinator of internationalisation for the School of Education and Professional Studies. Kay also delivered a lecture to the Hong Kong music teachers and then ran a workshop for the teachers titled: Teaching composing in the primary and lower Secondary school.