Under the banner of the ‘Asian Century Futures Initiative’, Griffith University and Peking University have established a Griffith-Peking University Collaborative Research Scheme to facilitate reciprocal research exchanges and joint funding proposals for the purpose of developing collaborative research.
2014 Collaborative Research Scheme Projects
The development of empathy in Chinese and Australian Children
Collaborators: Dr Glenda Andrews, School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University and Professor Yanjie Su, Department of Psychology, Peking University
Responses of soil carbon under different land uses of Australia and China to global warming: biogeochemical mechanisms
Collaborators: Assoc Professor Chengrong Chen and Professor Tony Carroll, School of Environment, Griffith University and Professor Jin-Sheng He, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University
Anti-infectious drug discovery from traditional Chinese medicines
Collaborators: Dr Yun Jiang Feng, Eskitis Institute for Drug Discovery, Griffith University and Assoc Professor Yafen Wu, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University
Tandem nanocatalyst for carbon dioxide hydrogenation
Collaborators: Dr Ziyang Huo, QLD Micro- and Nanotechnology Centre, Griffith University and Professor Yawen Zhang, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University
Enhance and promote the use of waste stabilisation ponds for wastewater treatment in Australia and China
Collaborators: Dr Miao Li, Smart Water Research Centre and Professor Charles Lemckert, Griffith School of Engineering and Smart Water Research Centre and Associate Professor Mingquan Yan, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering and Professor Hansong Zhang, Peking University – Ministry of Water Resources Joint Research Center for Safe Drinking Water in Rural Areas, Peking University
Implementing research evidence into clinical management of Peripheral Intravenours Catheter (PICV) in a Chinese tertiary hospital – a pilot knowledge translation study
Collaborators: Dr Frances Lin, Griffith Health Institute, Griffith University and Professor Shaomei Shang, School of Nursing, Peking University
Managing rapid urbanisation in an age of climate change and increasing environmental concern – lessons from China and Australia
Collaborators: Professor Darryl Low Choy, Urban Research Program, Griffith University and Professor Canfei He, Centre for Urban Development and Land Policy, Peking University
To establish the reliability and validity of the Beijing Performance-Based Functional Ecological Test (BJ-PERFECT) in individuals with Schizophrenia
Collaborators: Professor David Shum, Griffith Health Institute and Professor Raymond Chan, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Science and Professor Xin Yu and Dr Chuan Shi, Institute of Mental Health, Peking University
Sweet approach to Sino-Australian drug discovery
Professor Mark Von Itzstein, Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University and Professor Xin-Shan Ye, State key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs, Peking University
Rule-based systems for Wasterwater Resource Control
Collaborators: Professor Kewen Wang, Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems, Griffith University and Professor Kedian Mu, School of Mathematical Science, Peking University
Investigating the potential of sustainable tourism to enhance the bilateral relationship between Australia and China
Collaborators: Professor David Weaver, Dr Ying Wang, Dr Anna Kwek, Griffith Institute for Tourism (GIFT) and Professor and Director Tiger Wu, The Centre for Recreation and Tourism Research, Peking University
Low cost and environmentally benign 3D graphene networks for energy storage devices
Collaborators: Assoc Professor Shanqing Zhang, Griffith School of Environment and Professor Yanglong Hou, College of Engineering, Peking University