A new suite of postgraduate programs aimed at reflecting the changing face ofmaternity service provision will be launched at Griffith University next year.
The Graduate Certificate in Primary Maternity Care, the Graduate Diploma ofPrimary Maternity Care and the Master of Primary Maternity Care aredesigned to enable participants to work within changing maternity services, saysDr Mary Sidebotham from the Griffith Health Institute.
“In line with the vision of the Queensland Health Minister, the new programs havebeen created in response to the ongoing maternity reform agenda which sees an
increasing focus on providing woman-centred care, within a continuity of caremodel in primary care. The programs will also reflect the increasing focus of
enabling midwives to work in private practice.
Leading theway in maternity reform
The programs will enable graduates to lead the way in reforming maternityservices, including the introduction of caseload midwifery care models,implementing Indigenous birthing, re-establishing rural birthing services, providingservices for socially disadvantaged and vulnerable women and improvingperinatal mental health in Australia and internationally.
The program whilst primarily aimed at midwives, will also appeal to professionalsfrom a range of health disciplines including GPs, child health nurses and social
workers who provide primary care to women and babies.
“The programs will not only allow them to work within changing maternity servicesettings, but also to be actively involved in designing and reorienting these
services,” says Dr Sidebotham.
“They will include developing leadership potential, enhancing clinical skills,developing research potential and will offer a wide range of elective courseswhich will enable practitioners to choose a program pathway which best suitsthem, according to their discipline.”
Griffith’s new Primary Maternity Care programs will be delivered online howeverDr Sidebotham says they all have a significant element of ‘synchronousinteraction’ whereby students are able to communicate in real time with theirpeers and lecturers.
“We know that students can often feel alone when studying online, but we havegone to great length to make these programs appealing with the addition of
various social features,” she says.
In recognition of the strategic importance of the programs and their alignment withthe maternity reform agenda, Commonwealth supported places have been
allocated which will be available on a first-come-first-served basis.
For more information, please visit: http://www.griffith.edu.au/health/midwifery/what-can-i-study