The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security (CEPS) and India’s National Police Academy (NPA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding this week.
The aim of the partnership is to forge links in policing and security between the two entities.
CEPS researcher Dr Ashutosh Misra said they would work with the NPA on a wide range of policing and security issues and expand to various state police academies across India.
“We hope this collaboration will help deepen our policing and security relationship between Australia and India.”
NPA is the top police training institute in India. It conducts basic training for Indian Police Service (IPS) recruits, mid-career training programs for senior IPS officers and short courses, seminars and workshops to industry.
“IPS officers are recruited through a rigorous and competitive national examination. They provide senior level leadership to police forces in states and the centre and also visit and work with international organisations,” Dr Misra said.
“This partnership will enhance our international understanding in policing and security between CEPS and the NPA.”
The Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security was established in 2007 and is based at Griffith University with partners Australian National University, The University of Queensland and Charles Sturt University.