Griffith Asia Institute Featured Publication
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Edited by Dr Hun Joon Kim and Associate Professor Renee Jeffery
The question of how the human rights violations of previous regimes and past periods of conflict ought to be addressed is one of the most pressing concerns facing governments and policy makers today. New democracies and states in the fragile post-conflict peace-settlement phase are confronted by the need to make crucial decisions about whether to hold perpetrators of human rights violations accountable for their actions and, if so, the mechanisms they ought to employ to best achieve that end. This is the first book to examine the ways in which states and societies in the Asia-Pacific region have navigated these difficult waters. Drawing together several of the world’s leading experts on transitional justice with Asia-Pacific regional and country specialists it provides an overview of the processes and practices of transitional justice in the region as well as detailed analysis of the cases of Cambodia; Sri Lanka; Aceh, Indonesia; South Korea; the Solomon Islands; and East Timor.
Hun Joon Kim has research interests in international norms and institutions, human rights,and international relations theory. He received his PhD in political science from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities in 2008. His dissertation, Expansion of Transitional Justice Measures: A Comparative Analysis of Its Causes was selected as the winner of 2009 American Political Science Association Best Dissertation Award (Human Rights Section). In 2012, he took up an Australia Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award Fellowship at Griffith University. He has placed articles in international relations journals (International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Peace Research, and Global Governance) and law journals (Human Rights Quarterly, International Journal of Transitional Justice, and Annual Review of Law and Social Science).