Expectant mothers on the Gold Coast are benefitting with the launch of a GriffithUniversity-led student midwives clinic.
Held at the Gold Coast University Hospital (GCUH), the weekly antenatal servicesees Griffith Bachelor of Midwifery students consulting women the whole waythrough their pregnancy. Students will also follow women across their labour andbirth and into the early parenting period.
School of Nursing and Midwifery lecturer Janice Bass says the collaborationbetween GCUH industry practice partners and Griffith represents a “unique
partnership which focuses on the continuity of care for expectant mothers and ahigh quality learning experience for the students.
“The clinic offers women the opportunity to access a midwife-led antenatal clinic,while giving student midwives the chance to build relationships with women andbetter understand their childbearing journey.
Positive relationships with women
“Building positive long-term relationships with women across pregnancy facilitatescare that is based on woman’s individual needs and preferences,” says Ms Bass.
“Partners and family members also become an important focus of care. Continuityof midwifery care has distinct benefits for woman with a large body of evidencenow suggesting that all women should, regardless of possible complications, beafforded access to their own midwife within a multidisciplinary team.”
“We are learning a lot more by taking part in this type of clinical work,” says firstyear midwifery student Jan Robinson. Working in this way is fantastic. Not onlydoes it allow us to see the woman’s ‘whole’ story but also we are learning to takeresponsibility for running a clinic and caring for women and families.Therelationship we share with the woman is the key.”
“Meanwhile the students continue to be taught and supervised by Griffithmidwifery lecturers as well as midwives at the GCUH. It is a win: win situation,”
says Ms Bass.
Gold Coast woman Tiffany Shipp is expecting her baby in June and says she isreally happy to be a part of the program. “This is my first pregnancy so I was a
little nervous about what to expect but my Griffith student midwife has beenexcellent — very understanding and supportive. I think every woman should have
access to this kind of midwifery care.”
Midwifery Manager of the antenatal clinic at GCUH, Lynne O’Brien, says she isthrilled to see the launch of the collaboration between the hospital and Griffith.
“We are now seeing a sustained increase in our activity so it is fantastic thatthrough our partnership with Griffith we are able to provide such a high qualityexperience for both the women and student midwives.”
The antenatal service is expected to increase to include more clinics, and extendto provide postnatal care.
Women who are interested in attending should ask their GP or Midwife aboutreferral to the clinic.
For general information women can contact Janice Bass on 0449 741 218.