Griffith University played host to Cancer Council Queensland (CCQ) this week asthe charity announced Professor Nigel McMillan as the Face of Relay for Life.
Professor McMillan from Griffith Health Institute’s Molecular Basis of Diseaseprogram had the honour bestowed on him in recognition of his contribution tocancer research and for his dedication to supporting CCQ’s vision of a cancer freefuture.
This will be the second year that Griffith has held the Relay for Life, a majorfundraising event which sees university students and staff get together with the
community to camp overnight in aid of CCQ.
“I am delighted to be a part of Face of Relay and to help raise awareness ofcancer research,” said Professor McMillan. “I think people feel that the science
can be something of a mystery but I aim to open the doors to what happens in thelaboratories and let people see where the money goes and what it may lead to.”
CCQ provides funding for research undertaken by Professor McMillan and histeam, such as his work focusing on cervical cancer.
“This form of cancer is driven by a virus and we have been able to develop somevery unique treatments that will treat only the cancerous cells whilst leaving the
normal healthy cells alone. We are hoping to get this into clinics soon and therebyoffer further hope for a cure for this disease.”
Big thanks
He also thanked the supporters of CCQ and its street campaigners for their vitalfundraising efforts.
“Without this financial assistance, this research would not be possible.”Di Dixon, Relay for Life Co-ordinator Cancer Council Queensland, said theorganisation is excited to have Professor McMillan as the Face of Relay for Life.
“The partnership between Griffith and CCQ is a very powerful one for oursupporters, as it provides them with a real insight into the worthwhile cancerresearch that the university is undertaking. It all adds up to providing much hopefor a future cure for cancer.”
Griffith University Gold Coast Relay for Life
WHEN: October 18-19, 2014
For more information and for team registration, please
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