Deciding on what constitutes a “problem” food will be the focus of discussion this week,(27 February) as health experts convene in Brisbane to help tackle the difficult issue ofchildhood obesity.
Comprising a range of nutritionists, doctors and health economists, and led by Griffith’sDr Tracy Comans (pictured), and Professors Elizabeth Kendall and Andrew Hills, the ‘Earlychildhood expert panel on nutrition and obesity prevention’ will examine the complexquestion of what exactly is the junk food that should be targeted.
“Foods such as dried potatoes, cakes, muffins and slices, potato crisps, snacks and sweetbiscuits have contributed to around 35 per cent of overall energy intake in 2-16 year olds,
according to the 2007 National Children’s Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey,” saidDr Comans.
“Spiralling out of control”
“For decades now, obesity rates have been spiralling out of control and are particularlyprevalent in the early childhood years. We know that the key to dealing with the problem
is prevention and this means targeting parents’ food preferences with interventions such astaxation, supermarket availability and advertising and marketing.
“Two-thirds of Australian adults are overweight; 5-8% of kids starting school are alreadyobese and the cost to our health system in tax dollars is huge.
“Ultimately the question comes back to, ‘are we happy to carry the cost?’
“We need to start looking beyond blaming individuals and toward the structural things inour society. Are we okay with junk food being cheaper and easier to buy than good quality
food?” said Dr Comans.
Aided by a $460,000 Australian National Preventive Health Agency (ANPHA) grant, theresearch will later this year, extend to a citizens’ assembly of twenty people who will
discuss what, if anything, should be done to tax the foods which make children obese.Parents of children will also be surveyed to see if price will change choices.
The ‘Early childhood expert panel on nutrition and obesity prevention’ will be held onWednesday 27 February at Brisbane’s Novotel Hotel. Media are welcome to attend.
TIME: Panel event 10-2pm, with media summary and QandA between 2.15pm and 3pm.
LOCATION: Brisbane Airport Novotel, 6-8 The Circuit, Brisbane Airport QLD 4007