The sound of Griffith student Wayne Kennedy playing Amazing Grace on the bagpipes will beone of the highlights at the fourth annual Griffith University Thanksgiving service in recognition ofbody donors this Thursday.
Wayne says the occasion is not lost on him. “It is a fantastic privilege to be able to play the pipesat such an important occasion,” he said.
Book of remembrance
The Book of Remembrance contains the names of 109 people who have bequeathed their bodiesto Griffith for anatomy teaching and research since the first in 2006.
These people and other unnamed donors will be remembered at a memorial service at the GoldCoast Arts Centre, starting at 6pm on Thursday (Oct 25).
Griffith students have already reaped vital education benefits from the body donation program.
Masters candidate from the School of Nursing and Midwifery Amy Lewis has the honour ofcarrying the Book of Remembrance at Thursday’s ceremony.
“The importance of this program forteaching and learning cannot be underestimated.I have been teaching anatomyto Griffithstudents for some time and it’s really amazing how
much they benefit from seeing the real bodyparts and how they work in relation to each other.
Better than a textbook
We can learn the names and locations ofdifferent body parts from textbooks, butknowing how these parts differ from person to person issomething that cannot be learned from a textbook.
“It’s hard to know from a textbook how thick skin is or how deep a layer of tissue is but having thiskind of hands-on experience is so important.
“This Thanksgiving, to me, is a real acknowledgement of the selflessness of these amazing peoplewho have provided the greatest gift to teaching.”
The service will start with a procession of students, academics and invited guests, led by Amycarrying the Book of Remembrance. As part of the service, a minute’s silence will follow the
reading of the donors’ names.Head of the School of Anatomy, Professor Mark Forwood said the program supports theeducation of health students in disciplines such as medicine, medical science, pharmacy,physiotherapy, exercise science, dentistry and oral health.
Importance of donations
“Body donations from the local community are vitally important so our health students can receivepractical training in human anatomy,” he said. “The generosity of body donors, our state-of the-artanatomy facilities, and committed teachers ensure ourstudents receive the very best preparationfor their chosen careers.”
Over 1400 Griffith University first year students use the facility every year.
“We are very appreciative of the decisions made by these donors and the support shown by theirfamilies. This Thanksgiving Service is a public demonstration of that appreciation,” ProfessorForwood said.
For more information about Griffith’s Body Bequest program 07 5552 7700 or email [email protected]
WHEN: Thursday, October 25, from 6pm. WHERE: Paradise Show Room, Gold Coast ArtsCentre, 135 Bundall Road, Surfers Paradise.