Professor Rod Rhodes commenced his appointment as Professor, Centre for Governance and Public Policy . Rod is no stranger to Griffith, having been a visitor to the Centre several times over the years. His recent work takes an interpretive approach to the study of politics, arguing that explanations in political science must and should take the form of stories about what people understand by their actions and words. Rod has completed a series of books on the interpretive study of British politics, the latest being Everyday Life in British Government (Oxford 2011). Previously Rod was a Professor at the University of Tasmania and Australian National University, and is a former President of the British Political Studies Association; a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia; and Treasurer of the Australian Political Studies Association, 2004-2011.

During his term here this year Rod will undertake work on Minister’s Court and Courting Ministers. The research team led by Associate Professor Anne Tiernan and Professor Rod Rhodes aims to identify the structures, procedures, rituals and routines of the systems that support Prime Ministers, Premiers and Minsters in their various decision-making and leadership roles. Fieldwork comprises intensive elite interviewing and periods of observing ministers and their staff in action. This research seeks to enhance scholarly understanding of Australia’s executive government and politics at State andCommonwealth levels. It is also relevant to practitioners as it seeks to provide insights into the practices of ministerial “courts”, thereby strengthening the capacity of ministerial support systems and the quality ofadvice and support for ministers. Findings will also be used in short course and Masters’ degree teaching.

For more information on Rod’s work go to the following links:
Web site: