Griffith University received Gold Tier status for continued dedication to a safe and supportive culture for LGBTIQA+ staff and students in the 2024 Australian Workplace Equity Index (AWEI) LGBTQ+ Inclusion Awards. 

Topping the Silver Tier status previously received, Griffith was one of only two Queensland universities to receive the Gold Tier award in 2024. 

AWEI is the internationally recognised instrument which provides a framework for organisations to benchmark their LGBTIQA+ inclusive policies and practices. 

Vice Chancellor and President Professor Carolyn Evans.

Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Carolyn Evans, said: “We are delighted to be recognised as an AWEI Gold Employer in the Australian LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Awards 2024.”  

“Our accomplishments in LGBTIQA+ inclusion are a result of ongoing, dedicated work by the Griffith community including Griffith Pride Committee’s current Chair Dr Andrew Rayfield, Deputy Chair Dr Alison Wright, and former co-Chair Hannah Chong, Griffith Allies, Griffith’s Executive Group, staff, students and alumni,” Professor Evans said. 

“Our Griffith University Strategy, Creating a future for all, commits to excellence, ethical behaviour and engagement, and our achievements in LGBTIQA+ inclusion are a true reflection of these core principles. 

Senior Lead (Inclusion and Development) Marnie King.

“As we move into our 50th year, this milestone provides an opportunity for us to not only reflect on how far we have come, but also imagine how we create an even brighter future for all.” 

Senior Lead (Inclusion and Development) Marnie King said Griffith is committed to providing an inclusive environment for all, including those of diverse genders, bodies, and sexualities (DGBS/LGBTIQA+) by educating staff on important issues relating to these communities. 

“We are thrilled to receive this award which was a culmination of many years of deliberate and dedicated work by the Griffith community,” Ms King said. 

Since achieving the Silver Tier AWEI award, Griffith has implemented several enhancements to improve LGBTIQA+ inclusion such as the introduction of paid gender affirmation leave as a component of the Academic and Professional and Support Staff Enterprise Agreements. 

Griffith also established the Gender Affirmation and Support Procedure and offered enhanced guidance to the university community regarding trans and gender diverse recruitment.

10: Reduced Inequalities
UN Sustainable Development Goals 10: Reduced Inequalities

16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
UN Sustainable Development Goals 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

3: Good Health and Well-being
UN Sustainable Development Goals 3: Good Health and Well-being

4: Quality Education
UN Sustainable Development Goals 4: Quality Education

5: Gender Equality
UN Sustainable Development Goals 5: Gender Equality

8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
UN Sustainable Development Goals 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth