The public lecture, “Where Will Taiwan’s New Team Take the Island – and the Indo Pacific?” jointly organized by the Griffith Asia Institute (GAI) and the Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) Queensland, proved to be a resounding success. The event featured a panel discussion with leading experts on Taiwan, held just six days after the pivotal January 13 presidential and parliamentary elections. The panel provided interesting and insightful views on the topic, drawing from their diverse expertise. The event garnered significant interest, with a very full audience, resulting in sold-out in-person tickets. For those unable to attend, we will notify you when the recorded event is live on our YouTube channel.

The distinguished panel included Rowan Callick OBE, a GAI Industry Fellow with diverse experience in China; Dr. Mark Harrison, widely viewed as Australia’s leading academic expert on contemporary Taiwan; Douglas Hsu, Canberra-based Senior Representative of Taiwan in Australia; Kai-Ping Huang, an Associate Professor specializing in political science at National Taiwan University; and Dr. Chun-yi Lee, Director of the Taiwan Studies Program at Nottingham University, UK.

The subsequent brown bag session, held today, further enriched the discussions. Attendees engaged in a more interactive and intimate setting, allowing for a deeper exploration of the issues raised during the public lecture.

The session facilitated by GAI’s Adjunct Professor David Schak, who directed the exchange of ideas and perspectives between the participants, solidifying the success of both events in fostering a comprehensive understanding of Taiwan’s future in the Indo-Pacific region. The enthusiasm and engagement demonstrated by participants underscored the significance of these events in promoting informed dialogue on this critical geopolitical topic.