Griffith University has announced Professor Carolyn Evans is extending her tenure as Vice Chancellor and President for a further five years.
Professor Evans, who assumed the role in February 2019, agreed to continue in the position until 2029.
Griffith Chancellor The Hon Andrew Fraser said the University Council is excited by the reappointment particularly as the University implements its 2025 strategy culminating in Griffith’s 50-year celebration.
“In Carolyn we have a Vice Chancellor who demonstrates the values of excellence, ethics and engagement.
“Her outstanding leadership reflects the University’s proud record of promoting equity and opportunity while guiding an institution which is making an impact in our communities.”

Griffith University Chancellor The Hon. Andrew Fraser
Mr Fraser said Professor Evans’s empathetic, considered, and calibrated leadership during the unprecedented challenges of the recent pandemic highlighted her formidable management abilities.
“The Vice Chancellor displayed sound judgement and clear mindedness during and after the pandemic and gained trust, confidence and respect from her decision-making.”
Professor Evans said it is an honour to lead Griffith into its next exciting stage of growth as we emerge from Covid with renewed focused on providing the best possible experience for our students, both physically and digitally, and undertaking research that makes a tangible difference to the community.
Under Professor Evans’s stewardship, Griffith has moved from strength to strength forming key partnerships and relationships with industry including the Commonwealth Bank, pharma giant Sanofi, Gilmour Space and the Queensland Performing Arts Centre.
Since 2019, Griffith has improved its international standing in several global ranking metrics while also placing in the top 100 universities in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, underpinning Griffith’s commitment to its values.
- Other highlights for the University under Professor Evans’s tenure include:
- A focus on excellence and the desirability of our programs demonstrated by improvements in the ATARs of almost all programs while maintaining a key focus on equity and inclusion;
- Graduating the (equal) highest number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in the country.
- Achieving record research income as well as record levels of philanthropic donations, including the University’s largest ever single donation made by the Paul Ramsay Foundation
- Establishing three interdisciplinary Research Beacons focussed on providing research solutions to humankind’s greatest challenges — Climate Action, Disrupting Violence and Inclusive Futures: Reimagining Disability.
As well as being Vice Chancellor and President since 2019, Professor Evans, has also held important positions in the higher education sector including being the current Chair of the Australian Higher Education Industry Association, board member of Open Universities Australia, and only late last year stepped down as Chair of the Innovative Research Universities (IRU) group after a two-year appointment.