Griffith proudly launches its Reconciliation Statement, reaffirming its commitment to reconciliation and coming together to create a brighter future that benefits all.

The University’s Reconciliation Statement has been released on National Sorry Day, 26 May, in the lead up to National Reconciliation Week 2022, which is a time of reflection and learning about our shared history, cultures and achievements, and the role everyone can play in the reconciliation of this nation.

The Reconciliation Statement challenges each of us, and Griffith as an institution, to embed reconciliation into all that we do — to make Griffith a better place to learn, to teach, to conduct research and to work with pride, dignity and respect.

Griffith Vice Chancellor and President Professor Carolyn Evans said Griffith acknowledged the integral contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, knowledges and experiences in its learning and teaching, research and engagement.

“The Griffith Reconciliation Statement says to a global audience that we are more than mere words and rhetoric. Rather, we commit to real outcomes and positive change,” Professor Evans said.

“Reconciliation is key to the way we live the Griffith values, and as we move along a path of inclusion, equality and understanding, we recognise reconciliation is a shared process and we each have a role to play.”

“We hold ourselves accountable to the belief that reconciliation is everybody’s business.”

Pro Vice Chancellor (Indigenous) Professor Cindy Shannon

Griffith campuses are located within one of the largest and fastest growing Indigenous populations in Australia.

Professor Cindy Shannon, Pro Vice Chancellor (Indigenous), said the University was uniquely placed to be a leading institution for reconciliation, recognising its role in promoting understanding of the rich history and contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in this country.

“At Griffith we believe that true reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples is built on relationships of respect that honour both our similarities and our differences,” Professor Shannon said.“The process of developing the statement was itself a reflection of reconciliation.

“It was a coming together of a Reconciliation Statement Steering Committee, with community, staff and student representation, and the Griffith’s Elders and First Peoples Knowledge Holders Advisory Board.”

Professor Scott Harrison, Chair of the Reconciliation Statement Steering Committee and Pro Vice Chancellor (Arts Education Law), emphasised the statement was just the beginning of the University’s reconciliation process.

“Reconciliation embraces all aspects of our work, learning and teaching, research and engagement. There is an ongoing educative process for all of us to reconcile as we have been for some time and as we continue to do,” Professor Harrison said.

The statement is also accompanied by a series of new creative resources using the artwork Together painted by proud Kalkadoon man, and former Griffith staff member, Sid Domic.

‘Together’ by Sid Domic
Learn more about Griffith’s strong commitment to reconciliation here.

National Reconciliation Week–27 May to 3 June–is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

The National Reconciliation Week 2022 theme, “Be Brave. Make Change.” is a challenge to all Australians to tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation so we can Make Change for the benefit of all Australians.

A number of events will be held across all campuses including the Reconciliation Statement Launch Walk and Talk, Film Screening, Market Day and a music concert.

‘Together’ by Sid Domic