Griffith University researchers, an undergraduate scholar and even a group of students journalists in Vanuatu will address inaction and offer practical pathways to help meet the targets set out in the Paris Agreement at this year’s Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, or COP27, in Egypt.
The 27th United Nations Climate Change conference will take place in Sharm El-Sheikh from November 6-18. The conference sees countries come together to take action on towards achieving the world’s collective climate goals as agreed under the Paris Agreement and the Convention.
This year, Griffith researchers in tourism, climate adaptation and climate science will attend and present key reports and take part in discussions with leaders in climate action and policy from countries around the world.
Dr Johanna Nalau, an IPCC Lead Author and climate adaptation scientist, will attend and speak on Tuesday, Nov 8, 13.00-14.30(Saturday, Nov 8, 10.00-11.30 AEDT) – IPCC event: findings relevant to assessing adaptation needs (Working Group II).

Prof Susanne Becken.
Professor Susanne Becken, a sustainable tourism expert from the Griffith Institute for Tourism, will attend and present the Tourism Panel on Climate Change Foundation Document on Thursday, Nov 10, 14.20-15.20(Thursday, Nov 10, 11.20-00.20 AEDT).
Tourism makes an incredibly powerful and positive contribution to human development; however, it is timely to connect fragmented efforts and accelerate cohesive sector climate action for advanced mitigation and adaptation in the decades ahead. TPCC brings together thought leaders from around the world to respond to this clarion call.
TPCC is an independent science-based network of globally leading tourism and climate experts, supported by the Sustainable Tourism Global Centre, committed to changing the way we think about climate change and tourism and mobilizing knowledge to accelerate climate action in tourism.
Professor Brendan Mackey, IPCC Coordinating Lead Author and Griffith Climate Action Beacon Director, and Professor Heather Keith present The Land Gap Report on Friday, Nov 11, 18.30-20.00(Saturday, Nov 12, 3.30-05.00 AEDT).
The Land Gap Report finds over 1 billion hectares of land is implied in countries Net-Zero or NDC pledges, more than can be assumed available. Ensuring biodiversity, food security, land rights and other ecosystem services can see land contribute to climate mitigation without creating a ‘land gap’.
Griffith Honours College undergraduate Angus Brawley, an electrical engineering student specialising in renewables and microgrids) is one of four students awarded the Global Voices scholarship to attend COP27.Angus will attend COP27 fromNovember 13.
In conjunction with theGriffith Climate Action Beacon, Griffith journalism and science students alongside Griffith academics will again visit communities in Vanuatu – in Port Vila and on Tanna — from November 4-20 with the goal of improving the translation and communication of climate change from the perspectives of people from small island nations who are seeing the impacts literally before their eyes.
The students willmeet with local media organisations including BuZZ FM, The Daily Post and Vanuatu Broadcasting, and meet with local and national politicians and senior bureaucrats.
It has been the ongoing mismatch between ‘science’ and ‘communication'(including news media and journalism) that has impacted the quality of public debate and discussion.In addition, the climate change impacts and responses across nations – and in our region – will be shared and exchanged in a meaningful and impactful – in person experience.