Griffith University co-hosted two Australian trailblazing women for an exclusive event at Customs House on Friday, September 2.

Credit: Katie Bennet Embellysh Photography

Vice Chancellor and President Carolyn Evans had the honour of introducing former Governor-General Dame Quentin Bryce AD and former Prime Minister Julia Gillard who shared personal stories about working in and holding the two highest government position in Australia, but also about their friendship and bond that stemmed from mutual respect and the shared understanding of their responsibilities.

Aptly titled ‘Once upon a time in Australia’, the event was part of the ‘Making it Matter’ conversation series by Women of the World (WoW) Australia in partnership with Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC) and Griffith University.

Griffith also sponsored seats at the event for students from a number of local schools.

Around 40 schoolgirls attended the event and were able to ask questions of Dame Quentin and Ms Gillard, and were encouraged to consider what kind of change they could make in the world.

“I feel that the discussion of the struggles of women of colour is what resonated with me the most. I was honoured and excited to be part of the event as a student and inspired woman.”

“A once in a lifetime opportunity to meet and hear from these educated, intelligent, and successful women who have done so much to make Australia a better place. I particularly enjoyed Julia Gillard’s honesty and vulnerability when she spoke about her experiences in parliament, and it continued to inspire me to pursuit a similar career. I feel so incredibly lucky to have been selected to be a part of this opportunity.”

‘Making it Matter’ is a conversation series curated by WOW Australia in partnership with QPAC and Griffith University, presenting the voices of women who have used their public roles or voices for change — who haven’t just ‘made it’ but are also ‘making it matter’.

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