Six deserving Griffith students have been awarded National Council of Women of Queensland Inc (NCWQ) bursaries to assist with their chosen pathway of study.
Kelsey Ramage completed a Graduate Diploma of Research Studies in Science recently and says she will use the NCWQ Boyce Disability Bursary to move closer to campus in order to study a PhD full-time.
“I was diagnosed with autism at the age of four, and completed my postgraduate program at 25,” Kelsey explained.
“While it’s technically a disability, and I’ve had to put a lot of work into learning how to best communicate with people, I also credit it with giving me an analytical mind that has allowed me to pursue the goal of becoming a medicinal chemist.
“I transferred to Griffith last year because of the effect COVID-19 had on my work at my previous university, and I’ve already met a lot of people in the lab and the office at GRIDD (Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery) who have made me feel welcome.”
“I feel like I’ve been able to make myself known here already, especially whenI won first prize for the five-minute presentations at this year’s GRIDD Student Symposium.”
Kelsey hopes to start her PhD studies next year, to advance her goal of combining her chemistry and communication skills as a lecturer or a science communicator.
Final year student Amanda Martin, who is completing a dual Bachelor of Laws/ Bachelor of Commerce degree, majoring in Economics, has received the Office for Women Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Bursary for 2021 from NCWQ.
Passionately interested in First Peoples Education and ensuring adequate access to learning in remote communities, she believes the best way to help minority groups is to have a thorough knowledge of the laws that govern them.
Over and above her studies she is also involved in mentoring programs, such as the Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) program which provides extra support to new students enrolled in more difficult subjects and has also worked as a tutor through Griffith’s Indigenous support unit, Gumurrii.
Amanda says the bursary will finance tools like textbooks, headphones and internet access.
“While there is a lot of financial support for commencing students, as the years continue there is less support available, yet the costs of studying stay constant or increase,” she said.
“Like many students I was directly affected by COVID-19, losing my job at the airport.
“This bursary (means) I can maintain the quality of my academic work in my final year of study.”
Other NCWQ bursaries have been awarded to Doctor of Philosophy student Carina Ayu Soleckhan, Special Education Teacher and Master of Education and Professional Studies Research student Laura Loucks, third year Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) student Estha Nulty and fellow Engineering (Honours) student Medina Jenkins.
- Kelsey Ramage
- Amanda Martin
- Estha Nulty
- Medina Jenkins
- Carina Soleckhan
- Laura Loucks
Bursary winners
Griffith Student | Course | Campus | Bursary |
Kelsey Ramage | Graduate Diploma of Research Studies in Science | Nathan | Boyce Disability Bursary |
Amanda Martin | Bachelor of Laws/ Bachelor of Commerce degree, majoring in Economics | Nathan | Office for Women Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander bursary |
Carina Ayu Soleckhan | Doctor of Philosophy | Gold Coast | Narelle Townsend Urban Design Bursary |
Laura Loucks | Master of Education and Professional studies | Mount Gravatt | Boyce Disability bursary |
Medina Jenkins | Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) -Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Gold Coast | TMR Women in Engineering (SEQ) Bursary |
Estha Nulty | Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) – Mechanical | Gold Coast | TMR Women in Engineering (SEQ) Bursary |
The NCWQ bursary program started in 2009 and represents the commitment of NCWQ to equality of opportunity for all women.
The 2021 program, through NCWQ and its sponsors, offers a range of bursaries, to assist Queensland women with their educational expenses. Most bursaries are valued about $1,000 each.