Why did you choose to study at Young Conservatorium?
I chose to study at Young Conservatorium to expose myself to musicians from different musical backgrounds. I always look forward to learning new elements from the experiences and skills of other students. Their playing techniques as well as performance style and mindset really inspire me. Being able to make music together with the other students under the guidance of Stefanie Smith and Angus Wilson is an opportunity I truly treasure.
What do you love most about Young Conservatorium?
Now, what I love most about Young Conservatorium…I love everything about Young Conservatorium! I enjoy interacting with Kevin Edwards and the dedicated Young Conservatorium Team both during rehearsals and actual performances. Setting up and packing away percussion instruments are part of my duties as a percussion player. I enjoy arriving early enough ahead of rehearsal times to have short chats with fellow orchestral and ensemble members. I enjoy every bit of the rehearsals, maybe not so much when there are rests lining up for the part I am playing. There is a great sense of achievement when I am able to play at the expected standard, blending in with the other instruments, to make sounds that resonate beautifully together.
What advice do you have for students looking to study at Young Conservatorium?
If you are looking to study at Young Conservatorium, my advice to you would be, do not hesitate, enrol right away and give it your best shot by practicing hard! Practice and commitment underline your pathway to excellence. Young Conservatorium is a platform for musicians to enhance their musical skills, achieve their best and shine! Prepare yourself and be ready to immerse yourself in a journey of enriched, fun musical learning!
Young Conservatorium applications closing Saturday 18 September! Apply now at griffith.edu.au/youngcon