Fiona Wrighttook the plungetocommenceUniversityas a mature age student,in pursuit of a career to improve thepublic health and nutrition gap among Indigenous communities.
Completing a Bachelor of Public Health Promotion andGraduateDiploma in Indigenous Health Promotion(2020),Fiona now works full time in Griffith’s First People’s Health Unit, supporting health students on their educational journey.
“My study at Griffithset me up well with the knowledge and tools to make a significant contribution to Indigenous communities,” she said.
“Iam excited to be working with the community and providing a culturally safe space for students studying a health degree.”
Fiona is a proud Kamilaroi woman from Mungindi, Western Queensland, who grew up in Victoria and moved to the Gold Coast over 30 years ago.
Inspired by family who work in the health sector, Fiona first wanted to learn more about health promotion and education.
“I started at Griffith as a matureage student, actually at the same time as my daughter.”
“Aftermany years in the finance and building industry,this gave me the hindsight to understand what I really wanted to do, help others!”
Recognised for her study commitment andachievements, Fiona was awarded an Arrow Energy Scholarship in the final year of her program, which she says was a fantastic boost to her confidence and drive.
“Having Arrow invest in my education made me push myself to excel.”
“Taking away financial pressuresallowedme to focus fulltime on my studies-completing assessmentson time and,most importantly,exam preparation.”
“The scholarship enabled me to achieve my goals, gain a high GPA and contributed to where I am now in my career.”

Fiona at the Gold Coast campus
Fiona also used her time at Griffith to improve her networking skills,connecting with peers and health professionals, and ultimately,work opportunities.
“I’mnormally a bit quiet, soI decided that I would always start a conversation with whoeverI sat next to,” she said.
“I alsosignedup to be a summer scholar, whichled to a casual position at Griffith as a research assistant,” she said.
COVID-19 restrictions presented some challenges during her studies, however one-on-one catch ups with teaching staff helped with home study and still feeling connected with the cohort.
“I have had a truly amazing experience at Griffith. Like my peers, we found new ways of communicating whether it is study or business,so these new skills will be well used,” she said.
Find out more about the generosity of Arrow Energy and how to apply for future scholarships at, Arrow Energy Scholarship.