Ella Hicks is currently enrolled with Young Conservatorium‘s Wind Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra playing percussion and has played in multiple ensembles since 2017!
Why did you choose to study at Young Conservatorium?
My percussion teacher recommended the Young Conservatorium to me to extend my musicianship and ensemble playing. I wanted to gain more experience in larger ensembles and increase my musical awareness.
What do you love most about Young Conservatorium?
There are countless things that I love about Young Con but in particular, I absolutely love playing awesome music in such a supportive, encouraging and nurturing environment with other amazing musicians in which I have created such strong bonds with. I have loved working with such incredible conductors who have all helped me grow musically and succeed in my musical endeavors.
Young Conervatorim has opened up so many doors and provided me with endless opportunities which have also pushed me to improve.
I am extremely thankful to Young Con for providing me with invaluable skills and such wonderful memories that I will never forget.
What advice do you have for students looking to study at Young Conservatorium?
I would advise prospective students to really get involved with as much as they can and take opportunities available to them. Young Con is an excellent platform to grow as a musician and learn valuable musical knowledge that really benefits individuals throughout their musical journey. I would encourage students to work hard, put themselves out there and network with other musicians surrounding them. Young Con is simply such an outstanding experience, so I would really advise students to enjoy every second of it.
Young Conservatorium 2022 applications are now open! Visit griffith.edu.au/youngcon for more information and to apply.