Why did you start at Young Conservatorium?

I chose to begin studying at the Young Conservatorium to be able to expand my musical knowledge in different aspects of music. I also loved the idea of independently travelingfrom the Sunshine Coastto partake in the courses.

Tell us a bit about your experience at Young Conservatorium.

Music Technology classes are interesting, teaching me new ways to develop and create our own compositions through programs (such as Ableton, Logic Pro X, Reaper), enabling a variety of new ways to expand on musical styles that already exist, and creating our own exciting ways of interpreting them. Being able to participate in a class full of people of a similar age inspires creative thinking when we have the freedom to ask questions and learn in-depth about programs that we have access to freely experiment with and delve deeper into concepts of composition making and recording our own music.

Jazz lessons at the Young Conservatorium provide one-on-one teaching and have continually allowed me to experiment with improvisation and soloing. My teacher and I each have a piano, allowing us to play at the same time and I can witness her playing whichever song I am currently learning, and be inspired by the way she and other people play it allowing me to create my own unique understanding of the piece and the way it could be performed.

Have there been anylessonsor specific teachers who have inspired you throughout your time here?

Each of my teachers has given me valuable information I can use in so many ways throughout my continuing music education. I have learnedinmy lessons with Sophie Min to be able to experiment with the styles of music youalreadyknow andexpand on that to find my own unique interpretation. My Music Technology lecturers have both inspired me to create my own original music. Throughout my entire time in the music technology course, we constantly created new compositions — new ideas. My compositions definitely weren’t always considered good, but the fact that I had the chance to develop on what little understanding I had from myvery first lesson, and experiment constantly, definitely made my teachers inspiring.

What are some cool things you’ve learned or been a part of through Young Conservatorium?

My favourite part of the year of the music technology course has always been the live performance term. When we were able to use the Ableton push and prompt our creations at the push of a button was the coolest art of my performing experience. I also love being able to hear mazing jazz tunes that I have grown to love and learn to perform and improvise throughout them.

Whydid you want to study Creative Music Technology?

I intended to expand my musical understandingand push myself in different ways. In our rapidly growing modern society, I believe it is important to be able to learn to create music in differentways. Creative music technologyalso offered new ways to record and compose music, allowing new ways to edit and expand on ideas that can develop from a simple motif. I also loved the idea of independence, not only in the way that we can study the music for our own enjoyment but also for the independence of being able to travel to the Conservatorium and learn things that can definitely benefit me in my future.

Have you had many opportunities to performthrough your time at Young Con?Which one was your favorite and why?

At the end of each year of the music technology course, we have the opportunity to perform in groups within our class and collaborate our different ideas into a performance, using the skills we have learned from throughout the year. I have also had a few opportunities to perform through my jazz piano course. My favourite performance would be my first year at the Conservatorium, performing using the Ableton push with a few of my classmates. I loved the feeling of being able to produce a year worth of work prepared in a short amount of time, using the skills and knowing that we have improved since the beginning of the year.

What is your proudest achievement so far?

The ability to perform and share the gift of music with manyis an unreplaceable and unique experience. Whilst academic achievements are fantastic recognitions of “levelling-up”, and essential to my development. Performing live solo, as a group and especially with family and friends is the driving force to better my skills musically.

Do you have any advice for students looking to start lessons at Young Conservatorium?

Push yourself to understand different types and stylesof music. Expose yourself to unique performances, listen to a variety of music because you never know when you could decide that you want to adapt those experiences to your own compositions or performances.


Young Conservatorium’s 2022 programs are now taking applications! For more information and to apply please visit our website.

4: Quality Education
UN Sustainable Development Goals 4: Quality Education