Professor Elena Marchetti
Research that creates greater understanding and opportunities for solutions to violence is the aim of the new Disrupting Violence Beacon led by Professors Elena Marchetti from Griffith Law School and Patrick O’Leary fromthe School of Health Sciences and Social Work.
The Beacon will translate knowledge into effective prevention and interventions and help build institutions and systems that improve people’s access to justice.
“We want to translate that understanding and ensure that our justice system can cater for the most marginalised in society,’’ Professor Marchetti said.
“We are very excited that the University is enabling research groups from multi-disciplinary areas to tackle violence from multiple positions and incubate innovative projects that attract major investment from investors and partners.”

Professor Patrick O’Leary
Professor O’Leary said the Beacon was consistent with the University’s commitment to social justice.
“This Beacon is different because it has a broad focus. It will look at violence across interpersonal, family, community, state and global levels and examine the ways the cycle of violence impacts and interacts with factors such structural disadvantage and discrimination,’’ he said.
“We’re seeking participation from people at all levels of society and raise the voices of minority groups so it’s not things being done to them but doing with them so they are agents of change.”
The Disrupting Violence Beacon has three main themes — understanding violence, translation and access to justice which together will focus on how justice institutions in domestic and international contexts address issues of gender, race, conflict and human security.
Vice Chancellor and President Professor Carolyn Evans said the significant long-term investment in the Disrupting Violence Beacon was part of the University’s commitment to using research to address critical societal problems and translating research outcomes into practical solutions.
“It builds upon Griffith’s extensive research, particularly in sustainability and social justice, which are pivotal to addressing the wicked problems of society. Our investment in this Beacon aligns with the University’s strategic plan which strives to create a better future for all.