Griffith Universityhasdemonstratedits commitment to LGBTIQ+ inclusion bycreating acolourfulProgress Pride Flag crossing at Nathan campus.
Theeye-catchingartworkwas installed at theArrivalsPlazaas part of Pride Monthand features a QR code thatlinkstomoreinformationabout Griffith’s LGBTIQ+ community.
Originally designed by San Francisco artist Gilbert Baker,the iconic rainbow flaghas long been a symbol of the gay rights movement and apotent reminder of theongoingfight for LGBTIQ+equality and freedom around the world.
The Progress Pride Flagwas created in 2018 by designer Daniel Quasar, who added a five-colored chevron to representmarginalisedLGBTIQ+peopleofcolourand thetransgendercommunity.
Griffith Vice Chancellor and President Professor Carolyn Evans said thenewProgress Pride Crossing was an important symbol of the University’s commitment to equality and inclusion for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ+) students,staffand other stakeholders.
“We are committed to providing a safe, supportive and inclusive environment on campus,” Professor Evans said.
“The Progress Pride Flag crossing at Nathan is acolourfuland very visible symbol of LGBTIQ+ inclusion at Griffith.”
Griffith Pride Committee Chair Dr Elise StephensonsaidtheNathan campusrainbow crossingjoined others around the world,from Sydney to London and San Francisco.
“The Pride Crossing project is a mark of solidarity. I’ve been to many places around the world that have them, and it’s very welcoming,” she said.
“This is about creating acampus where people feel safe to be who they are and arecelebrated for it.
“Ithink there’sa beautifulsymbolism to it being a crossing that marks the path from the outside worldontocampus.
“Itrepresentssome of the other steps that we’re taking as a university towards LGBTIQ+inclusion andallows us toreflect onprogress made and highlight where we still need to make change.”
Dr Stephenson saidfor the second year runningGriffith University hadreceivedBronze Tier status in the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) at the 2021 Australian LGBTQ Inclusion Awards.
“The PrideCommittee and ourallynetwork are doing a lot of tangible work, from helping staff make their research and learning and teaching more inclusive and reviewing our use of pronouns and preferred names,” she said.
“I was a studentatGriffith Universityand have worked here for more than a decade.It’s been apersonaljourney, trying to findmy place, and be supportive to others too.
“Studentscomeherewithreally diverse experiences of life, and sometimes it’s the little thingsthat make a big difference-someone using the correct pronouns when they’re talking to you, having the right resources available,seeing a rainbow a pin on someone orthe Pride Crossing.
“It’s the little things that signify toour students and staff that it’sokayto bewho they are, andyou can’tput a value on that.”
Griffith University Senior Lead (Diversity & Inclusion) Marnie King said theQR code on the crossingwouldallowvisitors toaccess resources about LGBTIQ+ inclusion.
“We want this to be a powerful symboland increase the visibility of our LGBTIQ+ community, but it’s also a practical way to draw people’s attention to the work we do through the Pride Committee and our ally network,” she said.
Students from the Queensland College of Art (QCA) will now create a series of murals around Nathan campus alongside large-scale work by QCA First Nations alumni.
“It’s important that our spaces encourage a sense of belonging, inclusivity and inspiration,”Pro Vice Chancellor (Business) and Head of Nathan Campus, Professor David Grant,said.
“The Pride Crossing is the first of several public art projects that will be launched at Nathan this year, and I’m delighted that it embodies our mission and values.”