Aninspirational scientist and international leader in stem cell research, who was named Australian of the Year in 2017, GriffithProfessorEmeritusAlan Mackay-Simhas been awardedMember (AM) in the general division of the Order of Australia in theQueen’s Birthday 2021 Honours List, forhissignificant service to tertiary education, and to biomedical science.
In 1987, Professor Mackay-SimAMcame to Griffith University with a research focus on the olfactory organ responsible for the sense of smell.

Professor Mackay-Sim during his career at Griffith University.
It took 20 years for the research to lead to a successful world-first human clinical trial in Brisbane, Professor Mackay-Sim and his team proving that transplanting nasal cells into the spinal cord was safe.
During this time, he served as Director of the National Centre for Adult Stem Cell Research at Griffith University for more than a decade.
Other Griffith staff, alumni and supportershonouredin theQueen’s Birthday 2021 Listincludephilanthropist,businessmanand architectSoheil AbedianAM,recognisedfor hissignificant service to the community, and to the property development sector.
Dr Abedian, who is a Doctor of the University (DUniv), and his wife Anne are long-term supporters of Griffith University, with a focus on helping talented students experiencing adversity through life-changing scholarships.
Others to be awardedMember (AM) in the general division of the Order of Australia include:
- Associate ProfessorKate CopelandAM– for significant service to health infrastructure planning and management.Ms Copeland is an Adjunct Associate Professor for the School of Medicine and Dentistry.
- Professor Emeritus David CarterAM — for significant service to tertiary education, and to cultural and literary studies. Professor Carterwas employed within the Faculty of Humanities between 1987 and 2000.
- JohnKotzasAM—for significant service to the performing arts as an administrator and artistic director.MrKotzasis a Doctor of the University (DUNiv) and a currentmember of the QueenslandConservatorium Advisory Board.
- Harvey ListerAM–for significant service to the arts, tourism, sport, and to the venue management and events industries.MrListeris a Doctor of the University (DUniv).
- ProfessorEmeritusToni MakkaiAM–for significant service to tertiary education, and to public administration.ProfessorMakkaiisChair ofGriffith Criminology InstituteAdvisoryBoard.
- WayneKratzmannAM– for significant service to the visual and performing arts, and to education.MrKratzmannis a donor to the Queensland Conservatorium.
Griffithcommunity memberswho have been named an Officer(AO) in the general division of theOrder of Australia include:
- The Hon JusticeDrIanFreckeltonQCAO – law adjunct prof and outstanding alumnus 2019 – for distinguished service to the law, and to the legal profession, across fields including health, medicine and technology.Hon JusticeFreckeltonis an Adjunct ProfessoratGriffith Law School andwas Arts, Education and Law’s Outstanding Alumnus in 2019.
- Philip BaconAO–for distinguished service to the arts, to social and culturalorganisations, and through support for young artists.MrBaconis a Doctor of the University (DUniv)andformer member ofthe QueenslandConservatorium Advisory Board.
- DrBridget CartyAO– for distinguished service to people who are deaf or hard of hearing, to education and research, and to the community.Dr Carty was a Research Fellowfor the Centrefor Deafness Studies from 1988—2000.
An Industry Fellow with Griffith Asia Institute, Major General Adam Findlay AO was named an Officer(AO) in the military division of the Order of Australia. He received the award for his distinguished service and exceptional leadership as Special Operations Commander Australia, Commander Special Operations Joint Task Force – Iraq, and Commander of the 7th Brigade.
Thoserecognisedwith a medal(OAM) of theOrder of Australia in the general division include:
Griffith alumnus Beny Bol
Beny Bol OAM – for service to youth. Mr Bol is a Griffith Law School alumnus.
- Matthew HickeyOAM–for service to music, and to the law.Mr Hickey is a Queensland Conservatorium alumnus and a member of the Queensland Conservatorium Advisory Board.
- SandraDoumanyOAM–for service to the community of the Gold Coast.MsDoumanyis a benefactor fortheInstitute for Glycomicsand a member of theGlycomicsCircle.
Vice Chancellor and President Professor Carolyn Evanscongratulatedall Griffith recipientsofQueen’sBirthdayHonourson their well-deservedhonours.
“This recognition ofcurrent and former membersofGriffith, our donors and associatesisa testament to the important impact that our colleagues have in the community,” Professor Evans said.
“I am delighted to see theireffortsrecognisedin this way.”