Griffith University has ranked 13 places higher at 290th globally in the 2022 QS World University Rankings, one of the world’s leading university rankings.

Vice Chancellor and President Professor Carolyn Evans said the exceptional result was testament to Griffith’s growing international reputation and aligned with the University’s results in other major university rankings, which range from 225th to 290th.

“Griffith University has moved up 51 places in the QS World University rankings since 2014, which is a stellar result and recognition of our concerted efforts to provide world class education and conduct globally relevant research for the betterment of society,” Professor Evans said.

“To be ranked within the top 300 of more than 1300 universities analysed by QS provides an incredible boost at a time when the sector has been hit hard by the impacts of a global pandemic.”

“We have also been ranked in the top 200 (171) for research citations, which is a key measure of the quality of our research against the best in the world and represents an improvement of 14 places in the past 12 months.”

Universities from around the world were assessed according to six different criteria: academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty to student ratio, citations per faculty, ratio of international faculty members and ratio of international students.

Griffith has also been similarly successful in the recently released 2021 Leiden rankings, which are consistent with the QS results for research citations.

“Leiden ranked Griffith University at 191st for its proportion of Top 1% articles between 2016 and 2019, which is an important indicator of globally significant research impact,” Professor Evans added.

“It also ranks us second in Queensland for Top 1% articles, which is an impressive result.

“The Leiden rankings also show we have bolstered our top end results by ranking at 262 globally for Publications in the top 10%, again second in Queensland.”

Griffith University’s drive to undertake significant, socially relevant research with partners from across and beyond the University has been reflected in its move into the top 13 Australian Universities for the number of collaborative publications co-authored with one or more other organisation.

The commitment to encouraging women across all the sciences is also recognised with a ranking of 4thnationally and 119thglobally for its proportion of female-authored publications.

The 2021 CWTS Leiden Ranking provides important insights into the scientific performance of more than 1200 universities worldwide, using a sophisticated set of bibliometric indicators.

In other recent rankings results, Griffith was again recognised as a leader inNursing and Midwiferyeducation and research, securing second position globally in the ShanghaiRanking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2021.

Hospitality and Tourismsubjects inGriffith’s Business Schoolwere also ranked in the Top Five worldwide while the University’sMarine and Ocean Engineeringwas listed as the second best in Australia and in the top 20 globally.

In all, 10 Griffith subjects were ranked in Top 100 globally, up from nine in 2019.

4: Quality Education
UN Sustainable Development Goals 4: Quality Education